It was long ago since I ate that much. My dad bought every kind of scrap food: we had (togheter with all kind of sugar-y drinks) pop corn, chips, dried figs, peanuts and walnuts. I also received from him a sacher cake, and italian bruschetta (minced raw tomatoes with garlic, oil, salt and basilica on top of roasted bread. Mums!).
My bestfriend gave me a book of mine she had (I requested no gift at all) and italian chocolates (Baci) + I received from my brother + our friend Du a PRINCESS KAKA!!! It's my number 1 favourite cake!!! She baked it!!
I took a photo of it but as I told you I forgot the cable somewhere... will post it tomorow..
Me and Tina watched Star Wars "A new hope" + Star Wars "Empire Strikes back".
First one is so old that it was all ruined and we could nearly see anything. Luckily we knew the story already, so of course we watched the grey display anyhow!
When I'll be 25 we'll watch Star Wars "Empire Strikes back" + Star Wars "Return of the Jedi".
After that we watched some videos of my brother from when we were in Finland.
Then I drove Tina home and tried to talk Du into play Risiko, or Sing Star. But she replied that she already baked a cake. Touchè.
Here (not from today) a lovely picture of my brother and our friend Du:
Du is the one that looks like a guy, my brother is the one that's dress up as a woman. Hmm.
I considered this a God's gift, I also found my PS game Puzzle Bubble I'd lost.
I just got up, (eh eh) so I have no time at all to do all the things I planned. I'll just have a shower (it usually takes me hours!!) and that'd be it until my bestfriend arrives, hopefully fully packed with gift :D Naa.
I don't even need to bake a cake cos I already saw in the fridge my dad bought one!!! :D Yehee! I'll bake it tomorrow instead cos I want to have something to take with me to work for colleagues. I've been reading Blondinbella's blog, so I wanna make one of those swedish apple pies with vanilj sås aside, and she posted the receipt somewhere.
I also spoke with my girlfriend! She was in Malta! Maeby a couple of weeks and she'll be back! I'm longing so much for it, she's my number 1 party mate, beside my girlfriend! We planned to go to LA when she gets back but she hasn't got the right passport for USA, so we're considering Rio de Janeiro instead. What do you think?
Here a photo of me today, just got up:

Talk to you soon!
I use a product which comes in a green little bottle and has same consistency, colour and probably same effect of linen seeds.
Not that I'm not satisfied with it, it really gives me supershiny hair (I'll post it some other time cos I forgot camera cable in the office, bonehead!). It's only that I was at the hairdresser a week ago or something and she tried on me a DIE-FOR product:

Base version is orange-ish, but this one goes to thin hair, so they don't get too weight down.
If you have normal to thick hair opt for the orange version instead! It's richer!
This product is great because uses the heat of an hair-dryer/straightener/curlier to re-build hair! Brilliant!
The price was something around 25EUR. Here in Italy you can buy it only at hairdresser salons. Shitheads!
I really REALLY like it but never use it......

Although don't expect tons of pics about presents:
My dad uses to give my shampoo testers he finds inside garment detergents.
My brother (see below pic of him dressed as a woman) wastes his all days in front of the computer (I do it too but I'm doin it in a fancy office and I get paid for it).
Boyfriend is greener than me (I don't know how is that even possible. Either he's my soulmate, or ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!).
One bestfriend is pregnant with no job and a lousy bf.
My girlfriend is travelling the world as a 3rd officer on a tanker ship and she's not gonna be here tomorrow. Maeby I'll get some onces fuel when she gets back..
One bestfriend flirted with my boyfriend this summer while we were broken up and I flirted with a fascinating red-haired yacht's chief mate, and now she's acting all weird.
My sister lives in Germany.
My real mum no longer speaks to me. She's a straaaange woman. Well, what did you expect????????
Out of these, I still have a couple of normal friends and an EXTRAORDINARY "family" up in Sweden.
What will I do tomorrow:
I will wake up as late as I can.
I will head to my bf's bar and steal breakfast (even if tomorrow's my birthday, so I'll claim it as a gift).
I will make him understand I expect a gift. Not that I expect any..
I will go for a morning run since weather forecast are marvellous.
I will come home and shower.
I still have to decide whether I should bake a cake or not.
I will wait for my pregnant bestfriend Tina to come home to me and we'll wacht Star Wars like EVERY YEAR since we were 15. (If I haven't done any cake we'll eat scrap food).
The end.

Good evening people.
Just came home. Sadly, no plans tonight... :-(
I'll brush my hair, do my nails, put cocumber on my eyes and so on.
Thought about have a little debat on creme de la mer.
I read (togheter with other 100 absolutely non-cultural magazines) Cosmopolitan Sweden. I don't remember in which issue, maeby december or november, there were an article about celebrities' favourite beauty products.
A lot of them seemed to use crème de la mer or die instead. I already knew that. And, like every female being, I felt inside the DEEEEEP desire to possess that marvellous object.
I did a few calculations, realized that I could never afford it, and went to buy it.
The original formula is quite greasy, so I, with my mixed to oily skin, opted for the lighter "oil absorbing lotion".

For the reasonable price of 190 EUR for 1,7 fl.oz., which implied that I wouldn't be able to afford food for, let's say, the rest of the month, togheter with other related unnecessary expenses, mention cat sand or toilet paper, I finally owned the magic cream. It seems to me quite a good compromise!
Now I've been using it for I think 2 months. I use only 2 presses in the morning because my skin doesn't need a lot of cream, and I have to say: this cream is incredibly comfortable, it smells weird but really good, and it's surprisingly light, kinda like you were wearing nothing at all on your face, but skip to have this pulling effect you sometime get when skin is too dry. Although, I couldn't notice any changes on my face. I mean, not that you can notice so much when you are 24.. but still!
So my tip is: if you have kilos of money to waste, this cream is the total must have. Otherwise I think there are MILLIONS of other super-expensive creams that'd do.
For exemple, I personally think my face skin is not really firm. So, ONLY IN SPECIAL OCCASIONS (once a week for an evening out) you with young skin can use this miracle cream (serum actually):

It's a lifting serum, so this is why you shouldn't use it every day (I mean not if you are young).
Also, since it's serum, not cream, it doesn't really go to dry skins.
But on my not so firm-young-normal to oily skin it makes a gorgeous "hollywood" effect. Try it!
The price was something around 50 EUR, or even less, don't remeber.
Left the poor woman, I met the apple of my eye who was waiting for me as almost always annoyed and in quite dispair. We met up to settle our new apartament contract. It went all good, so I think I'll get the keys on saturday, and in the weekend we could start move stuff. I own just worn rags. :D
In my new apartament I intend to sew my own designed clothes, plus play electronic drums (with electronic I mean those you play with headphones so that only you can hear the sound). Of course I don't yet own neither sew-machine or drum player.... But I think you already knew that. Ah.
The end.
I bought this gorgeus pair of white jeans some time ago, but never wore it for some mysterious reason..
Of course today is the day in which I decide to wear them, change the whole look, and therafter leave home the luggage-sized bag which had been previously and carefully packed with every kind of survival-item so that even if it occured to me to land on a desert island I'd might not survive, but be mat-skinned and hair-defizzed for a couple of days at least (I mean until I'd die).
Yeah, as I was telling you before change topic completely, of course today is the day that I get my periods and do not carry any ladies pad because I hadn't space for them in my designer purse between, let's say, YSL immediate blush which I never even use, and beauty case with the size of a watermelon....
Consider this as a practical tip: don't do like me, don't be a dork!!!!!!!! :D
Just wanted to share sadness of a shopaholic life:
Yesterday, after had been out vision-shopping (actually I also bought a very cute light blu burberry-like scarf for 5EUR see below.. I mean, how could I NOT buying it????) I headed to groceries store, but I couldn't buy anything. The reason? I opened my cow-shaped wallet and realized that had 20 EUR out of 40 which I owe to the bank for the credit card... Funnily enoght, this month I even put on sale a cute pair of John Richmond sunglasses I never use on Ebay to pay for my credit card charges....
OK, after this I'll go back to work, otherwise I'll find myself and 2 cats sleeping in the street on a considerable amount of used clothes. What a nice picture..........
Wake up time: 08.08
At the office: 08.32 - Not at all bad
I left home this morning with my mobile still playing the alarm, with a huge amount of unuseful stuff carried by hand due to change of luggage sized bag in less capacious -by not less fashion- Dior Gaucho, which matches completely my "cowboy" outfit today.
No, I'm always sober.
Anyway, found a paper bag in the car (it surprises me every day how can I even find the place for myself in that car....) pressed all the unuseful but essential stuff inside and pressed on GAAAAAAAAS!!!!!!!
It's funny ah how we buy fashion bags for tons of notes and then we need to go around with paper bags aside..
To my great relief I reached the office alive / without kill anybody / without behead any granny-who-was-waiting-to-cross-the-street's dog or some other disaster I'm very near to make every morning.
NOTE: I'm curious to know how fast I am on high heels. Once I'll walk along a known distance as fast as I can with high heels and then measure the time from begin to end. Then, I'll divide distance (metres) in time (minutes) and BAM! I have my very own high heel speed!

Oww u can also see little black Amelia in the picture!
Feet item: camel boots (see photo some more post below).
Jacket: Favourite brown distressed skin jacket
Purse: Dior Gaucho (Mischa Barton, togheter with other significant starlets, has it) (will post later)
Eyewear: INDOOR - Gucci fake glasses
OUTDOOR - Vogue big shape in sand (will post later)
Now a poetry to you my dearies:
You'll think this is pout pourri
but it's indeed my tea

Dunno if I should show you pics of my hats or my cats... No problem, we got both!!!!! :D
Now I'm gonna make myself a tea and watch Friends!
After job I could tippity-toe a little in the city. Beside the Cameron-Diaz-What-Happens-In-Vegas-dress (wich I didn't find) I was checkin out a new pair sunglasses for spring, and I bought a burberry-like scarf (5 EUR) to macht it with my marine blu little balenciaga:
Do you like it???? I do!! It should go with a white summer-y dress (da-haa!) or jeans and light blu or light blu striped shirt. I can have it tomorrow, so I'll post it!


I'm gonna meet up with my other best friend Mel tomorrow, we're going on an evening out so I'm plannin already the outfit of the evening. I dunno if I should have my bohem hippy dress or my striped sexy dress. Will post some pics later of both options.
Yeah, I'm so longing for a glass of strawberry caipiroska à la Idro Swim!
Here a receipt. It's the number one summer drink! Kinda like a mojito, but with strawberry taste!
1 lime
a soup spoon raw sugar
SECRET INGREDIENT crushed ice (you can crush the ice in a shaker if you don't have an ice crusher..)
Cut lime in 4.
Put lime + sugar + whole strawberries in a glass and press it with a pestle (better if wooden).
Put crushed ice until the glass is full.
At the end pour vodka until the glass is filled.
Tah-dah! You just got yourself the perfect summer cocktail!

I'll post how to make perfect Mojito some other time!
What you can find today in my Gucci Babouska:
red cam
vitamines (have to buy more)
Gucci "fake glasses" case
cables to connect camera to PC
camera (foldered with a hello kitty pink sock)
ipod case+cables
cow-shaped wallet
keyes with bells and all appendages
VOGUE USA january issue
dance flyer
photocopy of some german lessons ad
lip balm
hand cream
japanese restaurant take-away menù
collistar face moisturizer for normal to oily skin
hello kitty beauty case in violet bought in Finland
chewing gum
flessible meter to misure myself in case I have to buy clothes online
YSL immediate blush in pink
head phone to my mobile
private mobile (NOKIA 5300 Xpress music)
job mobile (shitty NOKIA)
trendy hairdresser flyer
trendy cap
job cap
an orange
I guess that'd be it....... Of course when I seek for something it takes me hours!!!
Today beside usual luggage-sized Gucci Babouska
Wake up time: 08.05
At the office: 08.30 - That was a good one!
Good morning from a cloudy but warm Italy!
Today, beside my usual luggage-sized Gucci Babouska, I have a green tartan dress bought in August at Lindex in Malmö, black covering leggings, H&M black scarf, and black pon-poned velvet-y cute short boots. On top of it I have yesterday's brown distressed skin jacket (favourite jacket).
In-door, as an office fashion item, I have a pair of very cute black Gucci glasses, whose only purpouse is to make me look competent even though the only thing I do is to sit politely cross-legged while discussing shallow matters with you people. Actually, these are my fake glasses. If there where NO lenses at all it would be just the very same. I spent 220EUR just to get this nerd-y look. I have to consult a specialist.
Here a photo of me before daily run-out (PLEASE NOTE!!!! I woke up at 08.05, managed to be in the office at 08.30, and I could even take a picture of my outfit. Of course to do this I had to cut on something, so today I dind't wash my armpits) JUST JOKIN!!

And let me introduce to you my closet:

Thought about share with you people a simple device that in no time and (heaven!!) with no money will give you firmer skin if you keep doin it like.. forever.
Shower as always, then when you are about to get out shower your whole body with quite cold water. And at the end, shower your critical areas (butt + legs) with ice cold water. If you are brave enough shower also your hair's ends with ice cold water, it will give you extra-shiny hair!
Now, does anybody beside me see how similar is Agyness Deyn to my brother???????




Let me advise you a great diet I use, not that I have any choice....
FASHION DIET (for you AND your wallet)
Step 1 - Spend all the money you get in designer shoes, designer purses, IKEA-dresses (IKEA-dresses are dresses that includes an instructions manual you will have to read carefully in order to wear them) and everything that in your shopping spyral you seem more likely to have or die - and then in a second moment (that always occurs when you ALREADY bought the item) realize that you will never wear the item unless you are in Rio during Carnival.
Once step 1 has been done, you will have no money for food or other insignificant purchase and you will feel with IMMEDIATE effect:
RELIEF from the weight of money in your pocket
EUPHORIA due to lack of oxigen in the brain
TESTED!!!!! Copyright by PAM :D
During lunch break I was out seeking for a white dress like Cameron Diaz has in the movie "What happens in Vegas"

With no results. I guess also cause it's not that easy to skip here and there when you have 40 minutes and 5 cm heels...
I need a white dress to match it with my new nude peeptoe pumps, which I don't yet owe ah ah ah. Tipical.
Here a pair Stuart Weitzman I like (as worn by Angelina Jolie):

Also on my run back to the office I realized I NEEEEEEEEED a pair of blue sunglasses to match it with my marine blue balenciaga (already owned, to great dispair of my wallet). These are COOL:

OK, now I got sick of you people :D I will go back to my real life..... pfftt ah ah ah good one.
Will type again soon! Baci!
Wake up time: 08.08
At the office: 08.34
I'm presently in the office, already had breakfast (caffelatte à la italiana :) and sliced bread with peach jam).
Today in the usual morning rush I could pick my favourite pair of skinny jeans (replay), a top and on top of the top :) a shirt both from italian firma "intimissimi". On top of these I have a camel cardigan from H&M. Boots are also in camel with 5 cm heels. They're my new favourite feet items, I love them. I bought them in Bata store once I was out for lunch, and I bought them with A SANDWICH IN THE OTHER HAND... I have a serious disease!!
On all this a have a jacket in brown distressed skin, and as usual I carry my luggage-sized Gucci Babouska in black leather. No hair accessories today, I'm in deep need of a shower.. gross.......
Today is a nice day because the air is so transparent that beyond the sea you can see montains and they look orange/pink. Awesome! I can't post any pic cause my camera is that shitty that I can't anymore focus very far objects.. I mean.. what???
Here I can post a picture from last winter. That is also the view from my office!

Yeah, no, the title is "sauna" cos in this office you can ake eggs on boards today.....
Will write something more later!
Here you can find a link to Intimissimi. In the USA it's managed by Victoria's secret but believe me, it's far more better!!
Nothin much punk to share..
Alarm time: 07.00
Wake up time: 08.04
In the office: 08.23
Not my best performance though..
If you are wondering why I type in english, well I do can a "flytande svenska" it's just it's not perfect and I would be embarassed posting it.. :D
I'm italian, live in Italy, I have italian dad and american mum. And I have a swedish blog cos I love Sweden, read Cosmopolitan in swedish, watch Shrek 1-2-3, Hajar som Hajar, Ice age.. in swedish and so on.... osv :D
Please fell free to leave comments in swedish, I understand everything!
Today was quite a boring day, did usual paper shit at work, then at 15.40 left the office to attend some vessel (UN TRIESTE). As usual on board they fed me and gave me things to drink. Ok, now it seems like I'm working as PR for a huge fashion or insurance company.
Finished the day at 18.45.
Pics of my job are quite boring, so I'll post instead some from a beauty contest I took this summer:

Good that pics are so little, then you can't see my panties which are completely on sight in this last pic PINSAMT!
Now I'm mischa-barton-blond, and bleached due to shitty lack of sun.
I wanna close with a pic from last winter of me in Vaasa (Finland) with Joakim Berg!
Kisses PAM