When I sat by my desk, I found this meaningful dedication from our dutch colleague so called Iasbez:

For you who understand italian it makes sense.. or most probably not.
For you who don't, it's written, in a VERY broken and funny italian:
Pamela changed her very surname Goding (which is not even correct....)
in Anderson Hollywood the city of Los Angeles.
Pamela bytte hennes verkligen efternamn Goding (som inte heller är rätt..)
i Anderson Hollywood Los Angeles staden.

For you who understand italian it makes sense.. or most probably not.
For you who don't, it's written, in a VERY broken and funny italian:
Pamela changed her very surname Goding (which is not even correct....)
in Anderson Hollywood the city of Los Angeles.
Pamela bytte hennes verkligen efternamn Goding (som inte heller är rätt..)
i Anderson Hollywood Los Angeles staden.